Jun 21, 2010

Babies, babies...What to Do...What to do...In the Inbetween...


Nope, we're not pregnant, nor planning on being pregnant ANYTIME soon. God willing:)

But, this is the main thing we have often been asked about once being married.
"When are you having a little Jason? When do we get to meet a mini Brittany?"

And I must confess...

I have been the one asking those questions...:)

We all love babies. We love the way they smile in their sleep, and giggle and cuddle and the list goes on and on and on. Babies are a gift from God and just as I was reading in a book by Darlene Zschech from Hillsong, she talks about how they are the kiss of heaven. So true.

So what do you in between the wedding day and the day you find out there is a little baby growing inside of you?

Live. Laugh. Love. Enjoy this new love that has taken over life.

Anyone that truly knows me, knows how much I love babies, toddlers, children, tweens, preteens, and teens. I love young adults. And adults as well. Looks like I'll be in luck once the babies come because these seem to be the stages of life:)

Basically, I love life. And life has become all the more beautiful since getting married to Jason Cavanaugh.

So even though I can't wait to be a mommy, and share that gift with the love of my life, I want to enjoy today.

I was sitting on the couch this morning, after spending an hour studying for my History of Israel distance ed final, and I was just flipping through the channels thinking there is NOTHING on this morning. Nothing good on Regis and Kelly, nor The View. The house was cleaned all last week, so I really just need to tidy like usual. I had scanned through all updates on facebook even though I get so bored doing it...Dinner is already made for tonight because we have been graced with yummy left overs. The girls I love getting together with are either in another country, continent, working, or sleeping because of the late night high payed jobs they get. :)

I was thinking about how on this day off, and with the time I had, it would be so fun taking care of a sweet little angel. There we go again, always looking ahead and wanting what is supposed to happen in the future while not being content with today.

So I decided to blog. I decided to ponder the reality of the whirlwind of being a newlywed, and the fact that is stops every so often, just enough for you to think about the babies. Yet these are the moments where I am reminded to be so thankful for what I am given today. Everything else will happen when the time is right.

This is for you other newlyweds that are often asked about babies. Just enjoy today. Enjoy your role as a wife, taking care of the home when you have time inbetween work. Spend time with your husband, and all the other newlyweds out there experiencing the same thing. How cool is that?

Today, is a glorious day. No matter what day it is.

As we wake up in the morning, we need to soak in the beauty of the morning, and the reality that we get to live for our God today, and bless the people we come into contact with. This goes for everyone. Yet, I am speaking to the newlyweds this morning, because there seems to be so much fun pressure to have babies and get that life going! Yet, there is SO much to be learned today. I know there is so much to be learned once babies come, and learning never ends.


Just so you know, this isn't for those that seem to ask when we are going to get pregnant:) This is for me to remind myself to slow down anytime that maternal desire starts to poke at me deep in my heart. This is for me to remember that God has perfect timing, and that I want to take life one step at a time.

It's been quite the year of transition for Jason and I. Some incredible mountains to climb. And yet, we climbed them. So now I want to soak in the sunshine that seems to be pouring into my heart every morning that I wake up.

I want to continue enjoying the "in-between"

What a beautiful place to be.

Thank you for letting me vent today. Thank you for allowing me to remember what a blessing it is to be able to have a day with such freedom like today, with no little man needing attention, or little princess needing even more. Those blessings, those kisses from heaven with be here in a few years, when the time is right, after Jason and I have been able to enjoy spending one on one time more a few more years.:)

Be blessed newlyweds, and those that have more years on us newbies yet still have that glow:)

Now I'm going to enjoy my cute little home, and get more studying done:)


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