Mar 18, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Not quite sure what that saying means...if it means anything. But it was my first thought when thinking of a title for this entry. So YES. Spring has Sprung:)

Lately I've really been on top of things in the world of cleaning and housekeeping, and I'm pretty happy for that! Except today, was the day to do those tasks that have needed to get done for months and I finally stopped putting them off! Yay! I loved it. Having the windows open made it that much better. I feel refreshed and content in knowing I was very productive today. Time to do my last workout for the week and make some yummy breakfast for dinner. One of my favs:)

Enjoy your weekend everyone! Get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather. Jason and I are spending time with our brother and sis-in-love and looking forward to seeing our little nephew Connor and nephew (boxer) Wyatt:)

Blessings and sunshine:)


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