Mar 14, 2010

Let's be honest here...

Yep, its time for honesty. I miss my Mom. How weird is that? For most of you who know me, know how much my family means to this probably doesn't come to you as a surprise. But honestly, I miss her! I've noticed myself thinking lately that I really don't fit in with the rest of my 21 year olds...I mean I am a newly married woman...which I absolutely love! Most people my age are not ready or wanting to get married anytime soon, and that's ok too. Jason and I were both at a place where we were ready. Ready to become man and wife. And I praise God everyday for this season in my life, because it's so beautiful, refreshing, challenging, and a HUGE learning process. I've learned so much about myself already, the good and the bad, and I look forward to the next many many years learning more and more. But honestly, I miss my Mom. You must be thinking, Ok Britt, we get it, you're homesick, you miss your get on with it. But let me explain. Lately I've felt a little on the lonely side. And of course you might wonder how that can be being a newlywed. And to clear up any smelly air, Jason and I have so much fun together and we spend lots of time together. But, I miss having my Mom around to do those fun girly things with that Jason can't appreciate as much (nor would I make him). Don't get me wrong, I've got many great girls that I hang out with and I love every moment I have with them. There's just something about my Mom that is so perfect. Over the last few years I have noticed how much alike we are and I love it! Sometimes it's even scary! I've just noticed that I love talking about new recipes I've tried, and how I want to plant flowers and herbs and all that good stuff. We aren't wanting children for a while, but I just love talking about babies and all the incredible things that come along with them. They are just a miracle! I love decorating, cleaning, and taking care of my home. I love to try new things around here and make it as homey as possible with a newlywed budget. I just love this season in my life. Yet, I'm noticing I desire to have my Mom around to share this with me. And Mom, you're probably reading this and saying well why did you leave me in the first place! And I will remind you, for the bazillianth time:) I came to live in BC because God called me to study here. Remember how that all went?:)

As much as I love living here in BC, Canada...what an experience it really is. I do wish I was closer in distance with my Mom...with my family. There's just so many times I think, oh I'll have to go to that craft fair with...Mom...wait...she's 6 hours away! (some of you might say hey thats not bad) but it's not close enough sometimes:)
Plain and simple. I miss having my Mom, that understands why I love being a wife. I miss having my Mom, that understands me and my dreams and my struggle with anxiety (or lack there of, Praise God!). I miss having someone that loves laughing at those Victoria Secret catelogs because no one REALLY looks like that in those things.
I know God has us here for a reason and a beautiful reason at that. And when we both graduate from college, I know whereever God directs us, it will be for another beautiful reason. And each time I notice this sadness...I lay it down to the Lord, and He always reminds me of His love.

But for now, I miss my Momma Love:) Because she understands why I am, the way I am....right now.

How about I get started on that dinner now:)


Jess said...

I'm sure your mom will love reading this (if she hasn't already). I think it's amazing that you have such a great relationship with your mom. I can only hope that someday, if I have a daughter, that she will value our relationship just as much :).

Thanks for sharing!

pfnisterfam said...

I just got news that my parents are going to be moving to Montana, 14 hrs away and even though my mom and I have had trials in the past (mostly when I was a teen), we've grown pretty close, esp since I've been married. I'm down about it, and I can only imagine how much harder its going to be when I can't just pick up and go somewhere w/ her, like you mentioned. I also, like Jess said, hope that I can have a relationship w/Hannah that she will value just as much. Hang in there!
P.S. I really enjoy reading your blog - your a great writer. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Brit, I just read this and I so understand. My mom has been with Jesus for 10 years now and I still have that ache. But i left home as well at a young age and I missed her just as you are. It is a wonderful, yet painful ache.
kim w