Nov 28, 2006

Thanksgiving Break:-)

So for American Thanksgiving I had the opportunity to bring three of my closest friends home with me to enjoy some sweet time with the fam. It was amazing! We left Wednesday night at about 6 and got home at around 2 am. It was a long drive but with Matt's help it went pretty smooth! Thursday was Thanksgiving so we just hung around the house all day and ate lots of amazing homemade food. My mom is an amazing cook let me tell ya! Friday we went along with all the other Americans and shopped our little hearts out. I took the guys to Sportsmans Wearhouse and Matt was in absolute Heaven! Paige and I just went along with it since we knew we'd be dragging the guys around to our stores the rest of the day. Saturday we woke up early and made our way to the beach because it was a beautiful day! I have a few videos of Paige and I swimming in the ocean. That was just about the craziest thing I have ever done. Well maybe...anyways it was FREEZING!! The rest of the day we went shopping at the outlets and all I have to say is GAP had everything for 50% off. Why? Couldn't tell ya! It was AMAZING! Sunday was church and then a few naps here and there. We just relaxed for the first time in a very long time and I definately enjoyed it. God definately blessed this last weekend. The four of us grew so much closer as friends and we able to have many sweet and intense talks in the hot tub. I am so blessed to have these guys in my life and they are definately my family here at CBC. Here are just a few pictures of our trip. I'll put some more up later on. But as you will see...I had to learn how to fill up my gas tank. Being from Oregon we have people that do it for us (spoiled I know:-)) I also have a picture of the skyline of seattle. BEAUTIFUL!

1 comment:

jeffnbecky said...

Yay for Brittany blogging!