May 17, 2015

She is My Mom

Recently I've been reflecting on my relationship with my own Mom, as I am now the new Mommy of sweet little girl named Lucy. I can't help but feel overwhelmed by this gift. It's so very special, so unlike any other friendship I've ever had. My Mom has always been my best friend. When I was young, I used to get so sad at times because I didn't have that one best friend. I always had a lot of close friends, but they all had that one bff come on ladies you wrote this one out many times. And my Mom would say, "that's because you have me, we are best friends". And as I've grown up to be a very mature adult 😉 I've realized the truth and beauty of this statement. It's true. She is my very best friend. She is my Mom.

I have many very close friends who are like sisters to me. And I praise God for them! They all have a different gift and purpose in my life. Yet my Mom can be a goof ball with me, she can laugh at me, she can put me in my place and remind me of the things only she can correct. She can blatantly remind me of my role as a wife. She can walk through countless stores as I search for the perfect top for this post pardum body, and that's no easy feat. I'm one picky girl. Always have been she says. But she puts the clothes back on the hanger, and Waits as I search for something else I'll probably not like. She is my Mom.

Now here I am, sitting on a couch listening to my own sweet daughter breath deeply as she takes that coveted long afternoon nap. Yet I can't help but wonder how I was blessed enough to be given this gift? My very own 24/7 best friend? Don't get me wrong, my husband is that role as well, and he will always come first. But I have a forever shopping buddy, a Woods Coffee date....I have that little buddy to enjoy life with while Dad is away at work. Someday I just may be where my Mom was as Little Lucy entered my world. Right by my side. Because she is my Mom.

Can I encourage you to call your Mom? Or text her and tell her you love her? This year was my first Mothers Day and goooooodnight is that a well deserved day. This job is endless, 24/7, 365. And it's beautiful. I know life brings its lemons and can sour any relationship.. I spent a good couple years being a snot nosed, hurtful teenager to my own Mom. But, she is my Mom. She loves endlessly and forgives effortlessly. Obviously many have experienced more heartbreak than that, yet forgiveness is possible in every circumstance. Life is too precious and so very short. We never know how long we have with our best friend, so use this time wisely.

I Pray that I am that Mom to my sweet sleeping Lucy. I pray that as she experiences heartbreak because girls can be so mean, and boys can be so cruel, she will know she always has me as her best friend. I pray that the bond we have now,, will only change and grow as the years go by.

 Because I am her Mom. 

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