Sep 12, 2010

Waiting for Something Beautiful

Yep. I'm listening to that amazing song by Needtobreathe called Something Beautiful.
And once again, I'm inspired.

The past few weeks have been just wonderful! I finished my job with the college and was able to do some last minute deep cleaning before my busy final year at CBC started. It was so nice to have a few weeks just to myself cleaning, and enjoying time spent with good girlfriends and family. Jason and I went home for about a week and spent some quality time with my family and that was such a gift! Everytime I get to see them, I'm reminded of how blessed I am to have them. They bring such refreshment into my life, and I thank God for that every day. Wish you could have been there wish us big brother!

So, I've actually begun the process of gathering info and what not for The Beautiful Truth. It's been such a fun beginning to this journey. I was able to get my mission statement put together, my vision, and the things that I value in regards to this dream. Thanks Cyndy for helping me with your expertise in getting this stuff out!

                              Here's what the walls looked like while we were doing the vision cast!

To you guys, this looks like a jumble of color. But to me, it's ideas, dreams, and goals that have been written on my heart for months and are finally out on paper! It's been so fun beginning my research and getting some foundation set. The Beautiful Truth is BEGINNING! I have a lot of work to do, lots of prayer, and boy oh boy I'm excited:)

If any of you know someone that's passionate about making a change in the hearts and minds of our young women in the way they see themselves. If you want to help, email me! If you want to be a prayer warrior, I REALLY need it.

I'll keep you all updated on what's new with The Beautiful Truth.

I'm waiting for something beautiful to start rolling on into my life....:)

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Hey beautiful, I am so crazy excited for you as you keep taking steps forward. Any dream is tons of hard work, but so worth it. Keep it in front of you, talk about it, pray about, live it and breathe it...God is bringing it to pass and wants to do an Ephesians 3:20 in your life. I am believing God with you and for you. I am praying for wisdom to stay laser focused on each step of the journey. Love you....keep dreaming!