Jan 31, 2010


It's so interesting to me, the reality that people are in need of sharing their deepest, darkest secrets...online. Recently I came across a blog called Post Secret, and I have to admit, it's reallty interesting to read through. Yet it breaks my heart everytime. Everything is done anonymously of course. They either email these secrets in, or they send in these postcards with a collage of their secret on it. It tears my heart out to read that someone feels incredibly ugly, yet there is no one there to affirm them with the truth that they are beautiful. Or what about the one that says they do this or that behind closed doors because of something horrible that happened to them. Where is the hope in telling these secrets? I guess it's the release of something that has been eating this person from the inside out. So ya know, I do think the creators of this were pretty genius. The part that kills me is the question of what happens to these people after they send out these secrets. My hope is that in hearing the responses from others, they might get the courage to tell someone face to face, or through a text. I can see how this is a part of the healing process. Being in youth ministry, it's often a very healing through to hand out paper to the kids, and ask them to write down their deepest, darkest secrets. Yet in the end, we either burn them, or rip them to shreds. It's a symbolic thing that helps them even more in their healing. We take those secrets, and hand them over to God, and realize that there is no longer anything else that we can do about them. They were already forgiven.
What's so heart breaking is that millions of people are hurting. They are broken. Fearful. Empty. Unable to grasp the truth of God's love. This is why we are here. We are called to bring his peace...love...his hope...and his truth.
This week as I am talking with people from all over Canada, I hope that I am able to bring that hope, that truth, and that love. I pray that God will use me tomorrow to be the answer to a prayer, or that voice that someone needed to hear that day. I just want to bring God's joy into their lives, for I have been filled with such joy, that I cannot even express how happy I am. I am in love. In love with my husband yes. Very much so! But I am so in love with my Lord, my Creator. Your God. The one that made you. Yes. He is wonderful:)

May you experience His joy tomorrow. My challenge for you is that you start your day with a little prayer. Pray that God will shine his light on your tomorrow. Pray that he will pour a little joy in your heart, for it goes a long way:)

Any thoughts? Anything you don't agree with? Anything you don't understand? I would love to chat with you:)


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