Apr 26, 2008

Last days of Adventure

Time for an update! I'm sorry it's been so long. School is now completely finished for the summer and I'm really looking forward to this break. It's been an amazing second year and CBC and I have seen such growth in several areas of my life. Brit's finally growing up:) Maybe...;) These pictures of from a few weeks ago when finals were coming up. Jason and I were needing a break from the bubble on campus so we spent a few hours relaxing at his house in Surrey. We made some yummy Choc. Chip cookies:)


Emily said...

I love your face in the top picture! You look like you're thinking, "Ew, what face are you making?"

Very cute. These pictures make me happy. :) :) :)

Emily said...

PS Jer and I made cookie dough last week, too! (Well, I made it...he was craving it, but we're definitely both enjoying it.) Yum. I'd so rather eat the dough than the baked cookies.