Dec 26, 2007

Time to get Beautified

*Old beautiful roommate, and the gorgeouse girls I share a bathroom with*

*These two are the girls across the hall...two of my best friends at CBC*

This was on the night of our Christmas banquet at school. It was an absolute blast and I loved every minute of the night! I have more pictures that I will download and show you later. But this is a quick update for ya'll. Merry Christmas!

Nov 25, 2007


It's so weird to think that I was writing on this a year ago right about this time about Thanksgiving and spending it with friends at home. So much has changed from last year. But changed for the better! It's amazing to see all that the Lord has done in my life this past year but have no fear, I will explain these things more after January 1st. Seems a little bit better to do it then:-) But this Thanksgiving I spent it with my friend Jason and his family here in B.C. They're from Washington, and moved here to lead up a church here in Surrey. So basically, they are still an all American family, WITH a mini wiener dog:-) So I spent this holiday with many things that reminded me of home. It was such a blessing! This next weekend I will be in downtown Vancouver B.C at a Youth Workers Conference, so that should be a blast. I'm really looking forward to it!

Things are going fantastic:-) I love school! Workin hard in classes, doin alot of singing, and keepin busy with lots of stuff. I'll update with some pics and interesting stuff soon.

God Bless all!

Oct 26, 2007

Suffering....just for a little while

Biblical Hermeneutics...

In all reality, I'm a nerd. But NOT to the point where I love being about to take a passage from the bible...and disect the library...with TONS of commentaries and concordances surrounding me. Apparently though, times have changed my friends. Last week I spent hours upon hours in the library doing research over 1 Peter. Now, part of the reason I was in there so long was because I didn't get the homework done ahead of time, but I also enjoyed it so much! There was so much amazingly encouraging things that came out of the study.

As I researched Peter and his personality in the text, I learned so much about how God uses people, even after they make just about the WORST choices. Here we have a man that wishes to please Jesus and do everything right. But then at the opportunity of actually taking that step to stand up for Him, he cowards down and basically says he has never even seen him.

The amazing thing that comes from this is the fact that he takes this experience and turns around completely! He goes from being a coward of a man, to one of the most influentual leaders in the book of Acts.


No only was Peter renewed from forgiveness, but he was filled with the Holy Spirit as Jesus had promise the disciples. He promised that as he left them and went to prepare a place for them in heaven, he would leave his spirit with them so they would have Him with the at all times. So beautiful!

I'm not sure if this makes sense at all because it's a jumble of thoughts from the intense study I did. I'm just trying to sort all these thoughts out:-)

But I was reminded of this verse in 1 Peter.
"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 1 Peter 5:10

As I read over this verse many many times, I was taken back by this, "after you have suffered a little while..." Often I think, oh God will heal me if I ask him too, or he will take me out of this hard time right now. But really, just as it says right there in 1 Peter, he just might let me suffer for a bit. But he WILL come and restore me and make me even stronger than I was in the first place. I will leave you with these thoughts:-)
There's a group of people that just came to distract me in the caf. So I shall continue later:-)


Let me know if you have any thoughts!

Oct 21, 2007

Surely We Can Change

Last night as I was sitting in the audience of the David Crowder Concert I was overwelmed with an amazing joy. God has blessed my life in so many ways that I cannot understand.
Why have I been given such an amazing family that has been here for me from the moment I was born. I don't tell them how much I love them enough. Thank you Lord for my family.
Why have I been given such amazing friends that encourage me on a daily basis even when I don't deserve it? I don't tell them thank you enough for the blessing they bring to my life.
Why have I been given the ablity to sing? Someone once told me that you feel the most alive, the most joy, the most fullfilment when you are doing what God has called you to do. That's what I feel when I am worshipping the Lord. Thank you God for this gift. I pray that I will bless others with this for the rest of my life.
Why have I been given countless opportunities to make a little money so that I am able to live well. Why has my family been blessed so that we may live comfortably? Thank you Lord for this blessing from the day I was born. Thank you Dad for instilling these morals and standards for me so that I work hard for my money.

As I go on to thinking about the many different blessings I have in my life, I am reminded of the song Surely We Can Change, by David Crowder. I feel that I have been given these things so that I am able to bless others with it. I am able to bring the joy the Lord has given me, into others' lives. There is so much pain and suffering in this world.

Where there is pain
Let there be grace
Where there is suffering
Bring serenity
For those afraid
Help them be brave
Where there is misery
Bring expectancy
And surely we can change something
Surely we can change something

Where there is pain
Let US bring grace
Where there is suffering
Bring serenity
For those afraid
Let US be brave
Where there is misery
Let us bring the relief
And surely WE cna change
Surely WE can change something
(David Crowder; Surely We Can Change)

This was the prayer at the end of the concert the band sang. This whole year as they are on tour, they are collecting socks and towels from everyone that attends the concert and bringing them to homeless shelters. They told us a story of how two men from one of the shelters came to pick up the socks one night and broke down and cried at the site of all the gifts. They just couldn't understand why OTHERS wanted to help THEM. That's exactly why we are here! We may not be able to change the whole world. But we can change SOMETHING. There is so much going on in this world and there needs to be more and more joy and peace. I feel like today...I need to change something. I want to bring love like this into the world.

Not sure if this makes sense, just a few scattered thoughts from last night.
Have an amazing Sunday.

Surely, YOU can change SOMETHING in the lives of others that you come in contact with. Bring joy, bring peace, and love into others lives TODAY.

Surely WE can CHANGE something


David Crowder Concert Pictures: Seattle

Oct 2, 2007


Once again, I have to CROSS a border to get into my crazy! A few weeks ago I was LONGING for the land of the free...home of the brave...;-) So Nikki and I made a girls day trip to the states. I had to run a few errands and clear things up and we wanted to shop. So we get all girlied up...swapped out of our sweats and headed to the border. Little did we know we would be sitting in the line for two hours. But we made a fun trip out of it:-) Here's some pictures of us goofing off and enjoying ourselves while sitting in the car...forever...

Chai Tea and My Latest Thoughts

At about 1:00 this afternoon I had the strongest craving for a Starbucks Taizo Nonfat Chai Tea Latte, my absolute favorite drink in the world! So I ran and got my girly Nikki and we honestly made the fastest Starbucks run IN HISTORY! We had class in 10 minutes...and we made it back just in time! Amazing...I know:-) Anyway, now I am sitting in the library working on absolutely nothing but the blog. It's important to keep you all updated on the craziness here isn't it? Plus, I leave tomorrow afternoon to go home and spend the weekend with the family AND doing lots of homework. I'm not too worried;-)
But as for the latest, I'm just full of joy:-) God....He's amazing. Have I told you this before? I mean often we get so caught up in the busyness of life and the things that need to get done that we forget the see the little blessings in our lives. I've been learning to JUST BE lately. I have so many dreams, and goals, and other things that I want to get done or get started. But God didn't create us and our life to fret all the time. There is so much I am learning about the will of God lately that I HAVE to share a bit.
When it comes to my direction for next year, I'm so worried that I may not go along with God's plan. But after talking with some close friends of mine, I was told that God's plan is like a BIG cirle. We always think and hope to be smack dab in the circle doing EXACTLY what he wants us to do. But the rang is alot larger than we think. Don't get me wrong, he does have plans for us and does have a path he would like for us to take because it's the better way. But what I'm saying is, when it comes to things like choosing a college or a church to intern at, God may not scream from the clouds the ONE church I have to work out. He may have a few places I could go that either way, will be an amazing exoerience. Each one will bring its own lessons and blessings if I am in it for the right reason. And I think right now, I am feeling drawn closer to home for next year. At least an hour away so I can come home as often as I possible can. So basically, I feel that God is going to use me wherever I go and bring people into my life in all areas. Now, He does open and close doors to direct you to one place or a different direction. I'm just saying that there's a lot to learn about the will of God...or just God in general. I'm just sorting through thoughts so let me know of your opinion!
I'm so thankful for the people that God has placed into my life this year. It's such a blessing daily and I look forward to seeing how God uses them in my life. Either way, it'll be amazing!


Sep 19, 2007

In The Morning....

This morning I woke up at about 6 am which is way too early for me. So after laying there trying to fall back asleep, I decided it was time to get up and read my bible for a bit before the day of classes began. This is was I was encouraged by this morning.

"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3

I was absolutly motivated by this for it reminded me of the joy that comes from starting out my day with my God. For he has created me in my inmost being and loves spending time with me. What better than to wake up and pray to the Lord. Begin this morning with the one who LOVES spending time with you:-)

Sep 18, 2007

Brand New Year Brings Brand New Things

Hey all! It's been way too long since I have last updated this and completely appologize. Its seems as though I am more involved with blogging when I'm at school here in B.C. So here's the update of this year so far!

I got to school about 3 and a half weeks ago for the leadership training I needed to do for my position as a resident assistant here at Columbia Bible College. Which means, I'm more like the "mom of the hall". I lead meetings each week with the girls in my unit, in my dorm as well as many other things. But anyways, I absolutly LOVE it! It's been a challenge as well as a blessing in my life so far and I really look forward to the rest of the year as an RA. Also, about two weeks ago I started working as a Student Ambassador on campus which means I go around to churches and schools and talk about CBC and get people to check out our school! I also call prospective students and encourage and fill them with info and answer any questions. It's awesome to be paid for this kinda job. There's alot of other little things that I randomly do and so far I think I'm gonna like it.

Last week I auditioned for the chapel teams here at CBC and instead of getting on one of those, I got on the Vespers worship team! I couldn't believe it! Vespers is a Tuesday night worship service here at school that is open to everyone! Students and the public! It's an amazing service and I really look forward to being a part of it this year. Totally unexpected!

Besides all of this amazing new CRAZINESS that God has brought into my life, I have been really enjoying my classes here, all 16 credits. As of lately, I spend a few hours everyday reading in the library and studying (totally not the normal Britt). Last year I would spend only a few hours a week and that was ONLY if something was due. There's such a new joy and excitement in learning this year. I really look forward to seeing what else the Lord brings into my life! Pray that I can jumble this all! There have been some changes in the Youth Work program here and its so exciting and such an answer to prayer! They have made it to where in your 3rd year in youth work you go out on an internship ANYWHERE. I have been thinking and praying so much about my family and how much I really want to be closer to them. Don't get me wrong, I love being away from home and on my own. But having such an amazing family doesn't make it any easier. I hate missing out on my little brothers life. I am a mentor to him, we're like buds! So not being around him is so difficult. Also, with Alex moving back to Salem, I would love to be closer to him so that we can actually get closer! So anyway, next year I will be able to be AT HOME and work at a church as an intern. I will also be continueing some studies as I'm at home, but then I will be back here for one more year to finish off my degree in Youth Ministry! It's just so awesome to see the blessings! Count your blessings!!!!

I hope everything is going AWESOME with all of you and would love to hear from you. If you can't write me on here, E-MAIL ME! Update me on everything going on in your lives!


In Christ,

Jul 17, 2007

Life. Thoughts. and CoCo.

Once again, I'm sitting here on the laptop listening to some sweet new acoustic music that puts me in a deep thinking mood and I should MOST DEFINATLEY be in bed. But this past summer has been a new experience for me in a life that I have always lived in. Being home has been so awesome and I wouldn't change it. But I have began to see the difference between who I am here and at school. Here, being on the west coast surrounded by the "you gotta be 100lbs, tan, hot hot and hotter" kinda life style. And basically, I struggle with this and always will. I absolutely love working out and running...LOVE the burn and the way I feel afterwards. But I'm realizing that no matter how healthy I eat and how often I work out, I'm not gonna be a tiny 100lb girl. I am learning to accept myself and love the skin I am in. It's been such a tough summer with this area but I take each day as a new day and strive to love myself. But the thing I don't understand, in why do I feel this way when I want to get out there and preach to allllll the girls in this world about self image. I want to say to each and every one of them that they are beautiful and created perfectly. But I don't always believe that about myself. Does't that seem a little hypocritical to you? I sure think I pray that the Lord will continue to work in my life and strengthen me in a way that I am able to speak truth from my own life as well at the Lord's. The devil knows where he can bring me down and I'm trying my hardest to fight him off...stupid stupid. But as for a happy note. I am loving the strength that I have developed over the last few years. I am seeing how God is becoming the leader of my life completely and guiding me through everything. THank you Lord! I look forward to seeing how he brings me through these trials and what he does with my life in the future. I look forward to seeing who he brings into my life and how he will use them in my life as well. I look forward to meeting the one I will marry EVENTUALLY. I look forward to singing and singing and singing...and sharing the word of Jesus Christ and the love he has for ALL:-) Share with my your thoughts:-)

Jun 14, 2007

Why do we get this way?

*Goodness goodness I must say that it has been absolutely way too long since I have updated this thing. And you is "The Sweet Life Of Britt". But according to my status, it doesn't seem so sweet, for you guys may think there is no change...EVER! Well, it's time for a little change in my day. There has been a change! There has been way too many changes!! So now it's time to update you on some of my thoughts. But first, I'll just let ya'll know...I'm back home for the next two months as summer continues to go on. I'm missin the amazing experience I have at CBC every moment but it'll come again soon. I'm just workin like crazy and catchin up with the sun, my family, and the friends I have here at home. But here's what I've been pondering about quite a bit lately.
*So as I was e-mailing a really good friend of mine earlier today I was beginning to talk about how I'm doin with being a newly single girl. And in all honesty, I was explaining how Im beginning to focus on my relationship with the LORD first and foremost. But here's what I'm struggling with. Every moment I breathe, eat, sleep, and excercise...I am thinking about whomever I may be marrying and when this amazing man will come around. Why is that? Why can't I simply be content with how things are right now? I've always been one that looks forward to getting married and spending the rest of my life with that one person. But as I've gotten older and enrolled into the bible college atmosphere a.k.a BRIDAL COLLEGE, I've become more where is my mr.right? There are so many things I look forward to doing in the future with my life. Things like being an equipt leader for the next generation of young women, and bringing many people to come to know the Lord as their personal savior....and many other things like doing a Cancer walkathon or runathon:-) And makin a life long impact in someones life....many things I CAN'T wait to experience each and every day of my life. But another one of those is being able to fall in love and spend every day good or bad with the one God has brought to me. Why don't I patiently wait instead of IMPATIENTLY wait? I mean seriously...think about it...I have this life long personal relationship with the creator of the universe. The same God that is saving souls each and every day in Darfur, and India. The same God that is protecting our soldiers fighting war in Iraq. The same God that walks beside Billy Graham. Why can't I seek him with my WHOLE heart as I am growing into the woman he has created me to be. Why don't I just focus on falling in love with him every moment of every day? Well...I have come up with the answer...not the answer I's because I am only human. I am going to have these rediculous quirks and worries and thoughts. Obviously I have not been given the gift of singleness...or at least I HOPE not...! that I've just about written a novel, I'm thinking these thoughts and questions may be coming to a close. The only resolution I have is that I am going to continue to wake up each morning and start it with a prayer. A prayer to my God that I can focus on him and seek FIRST the kingdom of God and the heart of my savior. I want to spend this time in my life to grow closer to my Lord even though I know I long for the one to come into my life. I know it will happen...but it will happen in time. In God's time.....