Sep 30, 2010

Walk on that Water...

Do you have a dream? 

Do you have something so heavy on your heart, that you lay there dreaming about it as you fall asleep each night?

Do you ever wonder if that "one thing" you have always wanted to do just might ever becoming a reality? 

I sure did. 
And my dream is slowly coming true. 

For the last few months, this song has resonated with me every time I hear it. The first time I heard it, was actually on The Biggest Loser as funny as that may sound. But honestly, it made sense right then as I heard the lyrics for the first time. 

Walk on the water. 

Just like Jesus told Peter to do. Just as Peter knew in his heart he very well could do, should do. The story is unique, and it is utterly beautiful now that I look at it.

 29"Come," he said.
   Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
 31Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"

Right now, I have only taken that first step of walking on the water. I have only begun my journey, of creating a group, a program, just something for every beautiful young girl, young women, mature women seeking to find the truth. 

It's beautiful really. God has given me a dream. And I intend to pursue it until I feel that I have lived up to what I feel called to do.

But it hasn't been easy, and I am battling those doubts daily. "What if no one shows up? What if girls don't want any help? What if I get too overwhelmed that I can't speak anymore, that I can't even think? What if...?"

I've had a few plans already fall through, I've already felt the water start moving up my legs as I started to sink, but I've gotten back up and took that next step. And I am continuing to walk. Each time I start to feel the water creep up, I am going to remember that this is the dream that I believe God has put on my heart. It is as though I was the one hearing, "Come". And I am getting out of that boat and taking those steps towards the Lord, towards the calling I believe I have. 

And I believe. 
Do you?
Do you believe that what God has put on your heart, can and will come true? 
Do you believe that you can do this? 
Because I sure do. 
I believe in you, and I need you to believe in me to. 
